Friday, December 13, 2019
Location: West 109 + 110, Area West Level 1
Live Video Stream: link
8:00 | Opening Remarks | |
8:05 | Invited Talk |
William W. Cohen, Google AI
Neuro-Symbolic Knowledge Representation |
8:35 | Contributed Talk |
Li Li, Minjie Fan, Rishabh Singh and Patrick Riley Neural-Guided Symbolic Regression with Asymptotic Constraints (PDF) |
8:50 | Contributed Talk |
Zsolt Zombori, Adrián Csiszárik, Henryk Michalewski, Cezary Kaliszyk and Josef Urban Towards Finding Longer Proofs (PDF) |
9:05 | Contributed Talk |
Giuseppe Marra and Ondřej Kuželka Neural Markov Logic Networks (PDF) |
9:20 | Spotlights | Poster Spotlights A |
9:45 | Coffee + Poster Session | |
10:30 | Invited Talk |
Xin Luna Dong, Amazon
Self-driving Product Understanding for Thousands of Categories |
11:00 | Contributed Talk |
Simon Odense and Artur Garcez Layerwise Knowledge Extraction from Deep Convolutional Networks (PDF) |
11:15 | Contributed Talk |
Phung Lai, Hai Phan, David Newman, Han Hu, Anuja Badeti and Dejing Dou Ontology-based Interpretable Machine Learning with Learnable Anchors (PDF) |
11:30 | Contributed Talk |
T. S. Jayram, Tomasz Kornuta, Vincent Albouy, Emre Sevgen and Ahmet Ozcan Learning Multi-Step Spatio-Temporal Reasoning with Selective Attention Memory Network (PDF) |
11:45 | Contributed Talk |
Dmitry Kazhdan, Zohreh Shams and Pietro Lio' MARLeME: A Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Model Extraction Library (PDF) |
12:00 | Invited Talk |
Vivek Srikumar, University of Utah
Training Neural Networks With a Little Help from Knowledge |
12:30 | Lunch | |
2:00 | Invited Talk |
Francesca Rossi, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Reasoning and Learning Fast and Slow in AI |
2:30 | Contributed Talk |
Kezhen Chen, Qiuyuan Huang, Hamid Palangi, Paul Smolensky, Kenneth Forbus and Jianfeng Gao Best Paper: TP-N2F: Tensor Product Representation for Natural To Formal Language Generation (PDF) |
2:45 | Contributed Talk |
Wenhu Chen, Hongmin Wang, Jianshu Chen, Yunkai Zhang, Hong Wang, Shiyang Li, Xiyou Zhou and William Wang TabFact: A Large-scale Dataset for Table-based Fact Verification (PDF) |
3:00 | Contributed Talk |
Leonard Adolphs and Thomas Hofmann Best Paper: LeDeepChef: Deep Reinforcement Learning Agent for Families of Text-Based Games (PDF) |
3:15 | Spotlights | Poster Spotlights B |
3:30 | Coffee + Poster Session | |
4:15 | Invited Talk |
Yejin Choi, University of Washington/AI2
Cracking Commonsense AI with Knowledge Modeling and Generative Reasoning |
4:45 | Invited Talk |
Guy Van den Broeck, UC Los Angeles
Circuit Languages at the Confluence of Learning and Reasoning |
5:15 | Discussion Panel | |
5:55 | Closing Remarks |
Spotlights A
- Jiman Kim, Dongha Bahn and Chanjong Park. CEN: Classifier Ensemble Networks based on Joint Optimization of Hyperplanes (PDF)
- Xiaoran Xu, Wei Feng, Zhiqing Sun and Zhi-Hong Deng. Neural Consciousness Flow (PDF)
- Shih-Chieh Su. Channel Decomposition into Painting Actions (PDF)
- Daniel Cunnington, Alessandra Russo, Elisa Bertino and Seraphin Calo. Towards a Coalition Focused Neural-Symbolic Generative Policy Model (PDF)
- Wonseok Hwang, Jinyeong Yim, Seunghyun Park and Minjoon Seo. A Comprehensive Exploration on WikiSQL with Table-Aware Word Contextualization (PDF)
- Sarthak Dash, Michael Glass, Alfio Gliozzo and Mustafa Canim. Populating Web Scale Knowledge Graphs using Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction and Validation (PDF)
- Alberto Camacho and Sheila A. McIlraith. Towards Neural-Guided Program Synthesis for Linear Temporal Logic Specifications (PDF)
- Sainyam Galhotra, Udayan Khurana, Oktie Hassanzadeh, Kavitha Srinivas and Horst Samulowitz. KAFE: Automated Feature Enhancement for Predictive Modeling using External Knowledge (PDF)
- Shiyang Li, Jianshu Chen and Dian Yu. Teaching Pretrained Models with Commonsense Reasoning: A Preliminary KB-Based Approach (PDF)
- Yuyu Zhang, Xinshi Chen, Yuan Yang, Arun Ramamurthy, Bo Li, Yuan Qi and Le Song. Can Graph Neural Networks Help Logic Reasoning? (PDF)
- Habibeh Naderi Khorshidi, Behrouz Haji Soleimani, Stan Matwin, Sheri Rempel and Rudolf Uher. Multimodal Deep Learning for Mental Disorders Prediction from Audio Speech Samples (PDF)
- Zhe Zeng, Fanqi Yan, Paolo Morettin, Antonio Vergari and Guy Van den Broeck. Hybrid Probabilistic Inference with Logical Constraints: Tractability and Message-Passing (PDF)
- Pasha Khosravi, Yoojung Choi, Yitao Liang, Antonio Vergari and Guy Van den Broeck. On Tractable Computation of Expected Prediction (PDF)
- Pedro Colon-Hernandez, Henry Lieberman and Catherine Havasi. Does a dog desire cake? - Expanding Knowledge Base Assertions Through Deep Relationship Discovery (PDF)
- Vanda Balogh, Gábor Berend, Dimitrios I. Diochnos and György Turán. Understanding the semantic content of sparse word embeddings using a commonsense knowledge base (PDF)
- Tehseen Zia, Usman Zahid and David Windridge. A Generative Adversarial Strategy for Modeling Relation Paths in Knowledge Base Representation Learning (PDF)
- Robin Manhaeve, Sebastijan Dumancic, Angelika Kimmig, Thomas Demeester and Luc De Raedt. DeepProbLog: Integrating Logic and Learning through Algebraic Model Counting (PDF)
- Ionela Mocanu, Vaishak Belle and Brendan Juba. PAC + SMT (PDF)
- Anton Fuxjaeger and Vaishak Belle. Logical Interpretations of Autoencoders (PDF)
- Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu and Colin White. Differentiable Functions for Combining First-order Constraints with Deep Learning via Weighted Proof Tracing (PDF)
- Joseph Bockhorst, Devin Conathan and Glenn Fung. Knowledge Graph-Driven Conversational Agents (PDF)
- Rosario Uceda-Sosa, Nandana Mihindukulasooriya and Atul Kumar. Domain-agnostic construction of domain-specific ontologies (PDF)
Spotlights B
- Alberto Camacho and Sheila A. McIlraith. Learning Interpretable Models Expressed in Linear Temporal Logic (PDF)
- Simo Dragicevic, Artur Garcez and Chris Percy. Understanding the Risk Profile of Gambling Behaviour through Machine Learning Predictive Modelling and Explanation (PDF)
- Lewis Hammond and Vaishak Belle. Tractable Probabilistic Models for Moral Responsibility (PDF)
- Giannis Papantonis and Vaishak Belle. Interventions and Counterfactuals in Tractable Probabilistic Models (PDF)
- Beliz Gunel, Chenguang Zhu, Michael Zeng and Xuedong Huang. Mind The Facts: Knowledge-Boosted Coherent Abstractive Text Summarization (PDF)
- Alberto Camacho, Rodrigo Toro Icarte, Toryn Q. Klassen, Richard Valenzano and Sheila McIlraith. LTL and Beyond: Formal Languages for Reward Function Specification in Reinforcement Learning (PDF)
- Radha Manisha Kopparti and Tillman Weyde. Weight Priors for Learning Identity Relations (PDF)
- Mohamed Ghalwash, Zijun Yao, Prithwish Chakrabotry, James Codella and Daby Sow. Phenotypical Ontology Driven Framework for Multi-Task Learning (PDF)
- Siddhant Arora and Srikanta Bedathur. On Embeddings in Relational Databases (PDF)
- León Illanes, Xi Yan, Rodrigo Toro Icarte and Sheila McIlraith. Leveraging Symbolic Planning Models in Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning (PDF)
- Susan Zhang, Jonathan Raiman and Filip Wolski. Knowledge Representation and Long Term Planning in OpenAI Five (PDF)
- Kaylin Hagopian, Qing Wang, Tengfei Ma, Yupeng Gao and Lingfei Wu. Learning Logical Representations from Natural Languages with Weak Supervision and Back Translation (PDF)
- Alexander Lew, Monica Agrawal and Vikash Mansinghka. PClean: Probabilistic Scripts for Automating Common-Sense Data Cleaning
- So Yeon Min, Preethi Raghavan and Peter Szolovits. TransINT: Embedding Implication Rules in Knowledge Graphs with Isomorphic Intersections of Linear Subspaces (PDF)